Quoted By:
It's ONE sentence only, or ONE question you stupid fucking faggot. One quirky comment or one bait question per thread, every thread, same as every other shitty day in this rotting diarrhea-crammed diseased compost bin of a (You) trap. Consider for a SECOND the rhythm of things, the distinct flow of every post harmonizing together into a vomit-inducing swirl of mentall illness, inside our sacrosanct catalogue. LEARN how things are done around here. The information must come fragmented, sliced so I get only the highest quality cut of flavor-of-the-month meme I'm looking for glancing at the catalogue for five seconds—but most importantly, it CANNOT be FUCKING artificial. What you've done here is the equivalent of PLASTIC, of something so fundamentally fake it's not only repulsive, but an INSULT to our carefully crafted pyramid of garbage. You will NEVER shepherd me like braindead cattle into your pathetic lows of reddit discussion. NEVER.
When I look at your thread, I see only the pathetic wailing of a trembling, pants-pissing COWARD. Crying for attention, begging but for a scrap of human interaction, TERRIFIED at every turn and moment.
Couldn't pick between ONE good question, ONE solid topic of discussion, could you? HAD to maximize that engagement, by appealing to the highest number of possible people, did you? Revolting—what good is a thread its own creator can't trust to stand on its own two feet? ONE singular idea, faggot, not this unholy amalgamation of inquisition.
Your thread will die now. You will not get the (You)'s you're looking for. Whatever half-baked seed of an idea you thought—you had the NERVE, rather—to implant in our fertile soil will WITHER, and you will NEVER see it mutate into a healthy hub of discussion. You did this. You killed it with your careless, and quite frankly EMBARRASING, presentation.
You WILL go back to R*ddit, or you WILL kill yourself. Those are the ONLY two choices left for you.
Now get the fuck out of my board, toddler.