>>57422749Overall? Love 'em
Cross gen evolutions have always been largely fantastic and great for giving shitmons something new, they're typically the best parts of the dex they're in for me, and gen 4 is based for being largely cross gen evolutions actually
Only have a few issues, I think both of Lickitung's beta evolutions were far better than Lickilicky, Rhyperior is way too different from Rhydon and I really don't like the blocky hardhat and vest aesthetic over the layered kaiju/prehistoric animal armor on rhyhorn and rhydon, Magmortar's body proportions are a bit too spherical, I think Ambipom is ugly as sin, Probopass is a bit too goofy for me, and I really really wish they ditched the weird ski goggle faceplate for Mamoswine and kept his eyes covered like swinub and piloswine
Other than that? Some of the best designs in the series, you can't tell me Gliscor, Weavile, Togekiss, Dusknoir, Roserade, Honchkrow, Froslass, Gallade, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Mismagius, Electivire, Porygon Z, and YES Tangrowth, don't fucking rock
The best part of gen 9 was the true return of full on, outright cross gen evolutions, not locked to hisui because of obscure bullshit like Ursaluna and Wyrdeer are now, straight up kino evolutions like Annihilape, Farigiraf, and Hydrapple, I fucking love them, bring more good ones for shitmons in gen 10 and I'll be at least a little happy