Quoted By:
>Looking at about 450 Pokemon total. Some from all generations, not just 1-4. Zacian, Zamazenta and a new form of Eternatus appear in post-game Episode
>Story is a priority. GF wants to make players form bonds with the people of Sinnoh. Team Galactic appears more often and are given more personality. Tend to have overly serious personas - plenty of comedy moments with Cyrus and the admins
>Major story divergence near the end: player goes through 8 gyms + Elite Four without too many problems. About to battle Cynthia when a space/time portal appears, warping them to the Spear Pillar
>Cyrus with red chain as per usual. Gives speech about how people and Pokemon are incapable of real love, wants to create a world free of fake emotion. Giratina appears and drags him into Distortion World, breaking the chain.
>Final double battle with Cynthia against Dimensional Dialga/Palkia. Afterward, Cynthia awards player the title of Champion for helping save Sinnoh, then credits roll.
>Post credits scene where Cyrus claws his way out of the Distortion World.
>Player can then revisit Spear Pillar to meet Looker, who gives them their box legendary and Giratina. Transformations not playable.