>>55563769I reach my soon to be divorced Dad who is meditating some Zen bullshit about emptiness (but he is most likely communing with his spirit animal: The Amazing Slakoth).
We fight, I send out Wendy to get this over and the first thing I get on my Big Boy Plate is a big load of YAWN. Wendy fails the Counter Check and falls asleep as Slaking loaves around, teh fat fuck.
I spam moves waking her up but it results in a cycle of two times of her falling asleep and me alongside it as I cannot handle this Torkoal tier paste.
I switch in Anorith after she wakes up and Slaking goes into Truant allowing me to use my STAB moves against it and we end up switching in and around of Truant and Yawn. This repetitive cycle however is broken when Slaking goes in for the Feint Attack, takes away like 40% of Iron Shrimp's health away and though I manage to kill the Slaking through use of Fury Cutter Stack my Iron Shrimp fell to the ADHD of a sloth Vigoroth's Feint Attacks and then comes out Slaking who I forgotm what happened. I either quite the game as I saw I was about to lose or somehow this post happened afterwards
>>55563713IDFK anymore and IM DONE with this run.
This was a massive waste of time. Should have made it my first rule to accept NO GIFT mon, have Squilvia killed halfway through the game and that would have been better.
Time is not your friend and I wasted it big time here.