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Ice becomes weak to ground and water
Your pokémon thaws only if hit by a fire move
No contact Ground moves have no effect when used by flying or levitating pokémon
You have to wait real time instead of walking/cycling for your pokémon to breed and eggs to hatch, but microtransactions allow you to instant hatch an egg
Old useless HM from G/S and D/P come back, also, evety move usable on terrain become a HM
PC available postgame only
Due to social pression, attract works on same gender pokémon
Shinies become even more common (like, 1/100 when maxed) but all have new shittier colors, also they don't have the sparkling animation and some are unnoticeable
Get rid of super training
Fire/Fighting starters, all of them
50 new pokémon, 20 legendaries All in paid DLC for being catchable, otherwise, you can only see them they are roaming legendaries they are ghost type and have teleport, whirlwind and roar also they have an ability which makes their first move a priority move, 3 starter families, the rest is only evo or baby of ancient mons
Rideable Slaking on half of the roads, other half are waters routes with D/P surfing speed, horde encounter of tentacool, whirlpools and waterfalls everywhere
Return of the old shitty BP system
After half an hour of game : "You played a lot today, try a break" after EVERY FUCKING BATTLE it breaks your pokéradar chains and fishing chains and your pokés get half EXP because they're tired
Asexual pokémon can't breed NO EXCEPTIONS
For breeding, the two parents must have the same nature
Poké cellphone, you only get called by youngster joey every 5 minutes or every 200 steps breaks any chain
also :
Pokébank is cancelled out of japan, japan get a random legendary as compensation
Western countries have the games Pokémon Please and Pokémon Understand