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Take my babies
7x illegal Love Ball Petilil, Timid, Chlorophyll, perfect HP Rock, Healing Wish/Worry Seed/Ingrain/Sweet Scent
5x Heavy Ball Shellder, Jolly, Skill Link, Rapid Spin/Rock Blast/Icicle Spear (2 male/3 female) All Pentaperfect
6x HA Dive Ball Tentacool, Bold, Rain Dish, Acupressure/Rapid Spin/Knock Off/Haze (imperfect 5iv females)
1x Quick Ball Electrike, Timid, Lightning Rod, perfect HP Ice, Electro Ball/Flame Burst/Crunch/Switcheroo (female)
**If you receive a Petilil, please check its stats in the Battle Institute. Stats at lvl50 should be 120/xx/70/90/70/55