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The time has finally come to continue ORAS.
I've said it before that I have no recollection how Flannery went down beyond the losses of my starter and Nuzleaf.
Regardless, let's see what we can do vs. Norman.
Machoke leads and handily beats the first Slaking. I end up staying in, ignoring the ramifications of Retaliate. In hindsight, I probably could've just switched, but trade evos aren't happening here anyways.
Going to Lileep next, Vigoroth lacks the vigor to beat an extinct plant.
And so does the second Slaking, though it can at least Swagger, leading to a switch to Manectric, a free Paralysis, and then V-Switching back to Lileep and slowly grinding it down, switching to Manectric as needed if Swagger hits again.
I initially planned to make use of Numel's Dig to cheese the Slaking, but I couldn't find a way to get in, so it was more of a ohshit button, I suppose.