>>27088812My personal recommendation is BW. Check out my wall of text and see if it sounds like your kind of game.
IMO B/W and B/W2 are some of the best games in the series. If you're coming fresh from Gen 3 with a bit of Gen 4 experience then some of the new systems might take a bit of getting used to but once you do you should find that you have the opportunity to use more creative strategies than the old '4 attack moves or maybe one that boosts stats'.
One thing you might not like is that no older pokemon are available until after the credits roll. Personally I found this very refreshing but this is coming from a long-time fan of the series and I'm not sure whether you'd find it disillusioning instead (some complain that it 'doesn't feel like a pokemon game).
The difficulty curve is leagues better than any of the offerings from gen 6, most gyms are genuinely challenging and the final two battles of the main game are some of the toughest pre-credits fights games the series has to offer. The plot is edgetastic and full of anime cliches but for the series its easily the best you're going to get.
If that sounds good, then play BW first. BW2 is essentially an expansion, though IMO it is the overall better game.
If you do want to try Gen 4 again first then Platinum is an excellent choice. It's the best version of probably the most interesting region for an exploratory sense. A lot of the new pokes in Gen 4 are very cool too, and you get plenty of old species to work with too. D/P's main issue was that they were plagued with slow battle speeds, Plat solves this problem.
HGSS will also work, with the added benefit that you'll be reintroducing yourself to the series with a setting that you're familiar with.
>>27089062Emulators are your friend. Try DesMuMe.