Part 62: + + Directory: thread:
>>21039553----------------------------------------------------------------------------- of Shroomish and Foongus arrive to the docks to see you off, bunching up into one fairly sizable crowd of villagers . In the course of just one day, these guys have become like the mushroom family you've never had.
>'Mushroom family? Wait what? 'Course I'd never have one of those..'When we last left our protagonist, ie, that protagonist being you, you were traveling on wetlands of Grande Vallée Way, only to be ambushed by your acquaintances Tierno and Trevor while crossing the only bridge over the undocumented marshes. Without a choice in the matter, you were wrapped up in a Triple Battle wrought with fantasmical proportions.
Of course, any hopes for a conclusion to this hard-fought battle all went to pieces the moment Tierno blasted off and then returned to the Earth's atmosphere in a big bang. The bridge was destroyed, your friends somehow survived, and you were left to forcibly accept the short stick of the deal.
You fell into the deep swamp below and would have drowned if it wasn't for the efforts of Sporrest, a rather toughie, brocky Breloom whose eyes never seem to stay open for too long. He also gave you pancakes and introduced you to his dog and duck, all of which are literally /out of this world/.