this entire sequence went a lot worse than it had any right to.
i mean, the trial itself felt so fucking hamfisted but then you add on LAWDS turning the ranger twinks into actual bosses that utilize rocky field
alex's team consists of
>drizzle pelipper>swift swim relicanth>a weird fully offensive skarmory?>eelektross>power herb meteor beam aevian rock palossand >swift swim vested armaldoi'm actually mad at myself at how hard this team fucked me up
and sam's team consists of
>crested druddigon (with flare blitz??)>shell smash crustle>crested samurott>vested no guard machamp>power herb meteor beam archeops>life orb sheer force tauroswhich for some reason was easier?????
also the tapu koko's charizard buddy has scorching sands i guess
anyway time for family drama!!!!! woo.
>>57324414gotta get that nuzlocke youtuber crowd
>>57324437gg! my god this fight looks fucking dreadful
>>57324831that thundurus is a massive pain in the dick, gg
>>57325104once again, gg! i've heard crawli is fucking rough in AM. i think gyarados is gonna be one of those benchmark power boosts
>>57324676i've seen this hack here and there, but i've never really had much interest in it. it just kinda looked like yet another dime a dozen emerald hack but with some kinda neat graphical changes