Apparently /shw/ really likes Kill la Kill. Well it turns out I really like Kill la Kill. So much so that I'm willing to put more time and effort into shit like this than some of my actual hunts! Using this fantastic wallpaper from the second intro as a basis, I remade the entire image from scratch slowly. The text now says 'Hunt la Hunt', which turns out to be very similar in pronunciation to 'Kill la Kill', and that was an unintended but funny coincidence. It's probably hard to make out the figures at the bottom as Masuda and Mareep, but they're there, because it wouldn't be a /shw/ pic without 'em.
Here's the .psd in case you want an uncompressed version that you can edit to your liking for a wallpaper or if you want to make some alternate version. Go crazy.!dF5wCSZT!gF-pzbZlmysR8l9xPabbFGNTAXbTSsB4kTIBQmY4kD4As for me, I'm still in the process of completing the National Dex. But once I do, I'll go after Hawlucha and experience the thrill of the hunt once more! NEVER GIVE UP!