Denying to volunteer would have nabbed you a starter.>>15238043>~You caught Dedenne!~"Huuuuuuuh? You actually BEAT my Mega-Garchomp? Aggggghhh, that really blows..." Professor Sycamore drones a long sigh of disappointment, then spins around in his swivel chair.
"Uh hey, professor? Where did Trevor, Chubbs, and Donkey Kong go?"
Snapping out of his groan-fest, the Professor points at his window, "Oh! Tres bien, tres bien, everything's fine! They all got tired of waiting for you two to come back, so I told him them all to head on out to Route 5 to get to uh, what was it?--Ah! Camphrier Town! At first they didn't want to their leave friends behind, but then I offered them three Kanto starters I've been saving for a special occasion. Three seconds later they're all rushing out of my lab to get a head start on you guys!"
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? I missed out on Kanto starters!?!?!?" completely disappointed, you fall to your knees, covering your eyes in shame again, "AAAUUUUUUUGH....."
"Ne ne~ ?" Dedenne hops off of Miss Leading to nuzzle your cheek in comfort.