>>50401354Don't cry about the lore if you're too low IQ to dig around for the lore. Most MY knowledge of this shit comes from lurking like a fucking idiot and reading translations of nip articles through the years. Unless you're willing to learn moonrunes and look for this shit, best just sit down and wait for someone to show you why this is what it is.
>muh animeIs television and flashy-flashy is more suited to telly than "the pokémon shrinks and goes into the capsule naturally". Shudo had no concept of continuing the series as a vehicle to shill the games to the point he actively thought the showrunners would let him have the mascot of the fucking brand lead a pokémon uprising over their "slavery". That they grandfathered beams in doesn't mean it's correct, just means it's one of those parallels that diverge between the pokémon world and the anime. And where the anime differs from the games, the anime is the non-canon representation, even in a canon entity.
>abilityBecause it's innate and most can't access it willingly. And while there's nothing disallowing Pidgeot flying at Mach 2, Pikachu got retconned into killing Copperajah. Are you still living in 2016, you hilariously stupid little fucker? Got any *actual* **canon** lore, still in-series that disputes the shrinking hypothesis?