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When I was younger and had first heard of VGC I thought it was a lot like Pokémon Stadium, where you simply go in with the knowledge and built your team on the spot, so there would be no chance of anyone cheating or having any sort of numerical advantage over their competitors, I wonder how much more expensive that would be to actually setup, but the Pokémon Company are a bunch of jews so I don't think they'd ever entertain the idea.
I feel like Game Freak fellators and weebs are co-opting this discussion so they can suck more dick and still appear to be in the right, the truth behind the DQs isn't "muh honorabru Nippon btfoing the filthy cheating gaijin", it's because when they see a genned mon they definitely think, "this gaijin didn't buy PLA and PBD and a second copy of SV to farm for his Pokemon", that's it, and the reason the Jap players don't do it is because there's no reason to risk jailtime for barely any money or clout.