>>44642909So my theory has always been that due to existence of Meowth, ALL pokemon have the capability to thrive, not just survive, but the particular pokemon itself must want to do it. What this means is not all Pokemon will have ambitions beyond battling, getting stronger/evolution, making babies, and surviving, but some will. Meowth learning how to talk means that most if not all Pokemon can learn how to do it, they just don't want to or are not interested in gaining that skill set. Meowth learned how to work advanced technology, most pokemon don't even care to learn how to read or write.
Its all dependent on the individual. Pokemon are very complex entities equal in personality and depth as any regular human is so its impossible to type cast them into one role. They just cannot regularly express their personality beyond mimicry. Its why every single instance they have ever used telepathy or talking they are extremely intelligent and wise (Like Slowking).