ITT: we bring non-pokemon creaturesfrom other franchises into the Pokemon world
Anonymous No.28812988 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Name: Telethia
Ether Drain: After every turn, this Pokemon drains energy from all surrounding Pokemon.
Tainted Purifier: Allows for Physic Attacks to hit Dark types super effectively.
BST 680
>HP: 80
>Atk: 120
>Def: 90
>S.Atk: 150
>S.Def: 130
>Spd: 110
Pokedex entries
"In an ancient language, the word Telethia means, 'that which eliminates impure life.' It is said that it will drain all life from all local fauna in a matter of seconds."
"Telethia, known to some as the Endbringer, has been said to be a guardian of some sort. It can use its massive wings as hands for attacks."