Whiteouts: 110
So, just when I thought it couldn't get worse.....I try using Trick Room to deal with this thing and Narcissa starts spamming Tailwind, my Aggron misses 4 Head Smashes in a roll, this utter piece of shit a boss gets 3 crits on aroll on me in two runs in a roll when I was nearly beating it.....this fight is just fucking awful and the rewards for it are shit, I regret even bothering to try and do this quest.
>>54871235That's very in character for the Blakeorysteins though, hunting whales and driving them to near extinction, killing several people indirectly or directly, being a bunch of hooked noses who only care about money, killing an innocent child via a toaster bath, assisting a man who wants to cause an apocalypse, having business under the table with Team Xen and several other things.
>>54871264>>54871286Alternative universes sure get weird.