>>49459417>>49458053>>49456593>>49459178>"What people really don't get about me is why I do what I do, why I did what I did. They're all like..."Masuda, why did you go to Tokyo and drew a pair of balls and a dick to scare off children from buying Pokémon plushies?"
"Masuda, why did you throw Ohmura under the bus for the SwSh shitshow?"
"Masuda, why did you hype up a Meganium fan girl on Twitter while refusing to tell the japanese public you had cut her favorite alongside half the Pokedex because you couldn't bother?"
"Masuda, why did you split up your studio to make some stupid Town game about a mushroom trip you had while there was a mainline title coming?"
>"I do this because I enjoy it. At first I was like Ishihara, just a stoner needing a buck for his next fix. Now my fix is seeing the despair growing in this franchise, to see all the fans adore destroyed. What I did to Iwata woke up something in me - something malicious -, a deadly desire to kill people from the inside. There was a time I tried to care, sometime after I forced Iwata out of the nursing home to fix the HGSS code and saw him work himself to death trying to salvage our games one last time. I looked at that poor creature and said, 'This is what hard work and dedication to the fans do to a man. I must never follow this example', so that's what I did. >"The truth is I'm a sick psychopath. I'll talk about greed in a game and then hold your entire Pokedex hostage for money until you retire." >"I just cannot be stopped, not while you still buy it anyway."