The 'mistakes' of GF designers refers to a lot of new designs FYI
>>36637895You're right about the defensive psychic angle, but i'd still say it's out of place because it doesn't have a place to logically exist in the world (which was the reason it was originally trade only).
>>36638380I said realistic proportions, not realistic body; its round head, egg body and spindly limbs are well proportioned. New designs are all over the place, usually will big heads and small limbs.
It also gets away with the circle because it's simple and complements the clown cheeks + hip & shoulder sockets with the same shape and colouring. The knee pads are also a small detail that help differentiate its legs from its arms and makes sense in the context of its theatrics.
>>36639547I don't think any of them are actually unsettling and I don't think they were ever meant to be. Mr Mime is only kinda creepy because of the clown angle which is widely unappealing but subjective. I have a soft spot for him desu.