Portrait bias is showing. I want to take another swing at the antennae later.
Wheaton is Silas's shoulder mon and they're lock step in pretty much everything. When they're fixing up a boat, Wheaton will provide the overhead light with his tail. He loves chocolate covered almonds, and he's an absolute scrapper in a fight. Overtime, Wheaton comes to know a lot of electric type moves. Thunder Wave, Charge Beam, Thunder. And later on Volt Tackle, and Zap Cannon.
>>57012925I don't think gifts are being delivered this year with these three in charge. Incredibly dynamic piece! A lot of little details to appreciate like Minior all wrapped up.
>>57013023The absolute sass of that pose. I could see Aromatisse competing with Jynx for the spotlight. Right on brand for Ruka!
>>57013273The way you blend colors is awesome. The Celadon Department Store traffic and sales picked up since Ivy picked up the Santa role. And Plusle looking adorable as usual I see.