>Pretty much done catching Kanto and Unova Pokémon>A little over a third of the way done with Hoenn and Sinnoh, should be fine at that pace to get there before Unova Tour>Only caught 13 Johto Pokémon, one being a daily spawnLooking through the lure spawn pools it seems like glacial and/or rainy lures are the most likely to get me Johto spawns. Should I try to burn through those since I've acquired several dozen of them from showcases?
>>57448199You might be able to get there with party play, but you really wanna have 4k Mewtwos (shadow or not) with Psystrike picking up the slack. Everything else Terrakion will rip right through. I remember back in the day my main had lvl. 40 half shadow half regular and my alt. had 2 lvl. 30s with lvl. 30 Gardevoirs picking up the slack and we usually couldn't win without windy or cloudy weather boost.