>>56449744Kris's team:
Articuno (Leftovers): Ice Beam, Bubblebeam, Hidden Power Grass, Reflect
Zapdos (Leftovers): Thunderbolt, Drill Peck, Hidden Power Grass, Thunder Wave
Moltres (Leftovers): Flamethrower, Double-Edge, Hidden Power Grass, Fire Blast
Snorlax (Leftovers): Body Slam, Earthquake, Curse, Rest
Larpas (Leftovers): Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Confuse Ray
Mew (Leftovers): Psychic, Earthquake, Ice Beam, SoftboiledLettuce is able to take down Articuno with two uses of AncientPower, but Zapdos's Drill Peck is far too powerful for it to handle. With so much of our team weak to electricity, we send in Charmeleon to take Zapdos down with Fire Blast and Flamethrower. Charmeleon manages to burn Kris's Snorlax before fainting to Earthquake.
Klaus comes in swinging with Crabhammer, and although Snorlax hangs on long enough to use Curse, it faints from its burn shortly after. Kris sends out Lapras, who uses Confuse Ray and Thunderbolt to defeat Klaus, only taking a bit of damage from X-Scissor. Despite fearing Lapras's STAB moves, Bad Dragon's speed is enough to overpower it with Rock Slide. Bad Dragon and Mew go back and forth with Crunch and Ice Beam for several turns, until Mew eventually faints. Kris's final Pokémon, Moltres, is easily defeated with a single Rock Slide.