Infernape / Sun Wukong - Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Brick Break, Assist
Roserade / Rose Pedal - Petal Dance, Toxic, Weather Ball, Protect
Chatot / Blathers - Chatter, Mirror Move, Mimic, Night Shade
Rotom Wash / Mettaton - Thunder, Hydro Pump, Reflect, Protect
Hippowdon / Hubert - Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stockpile, Protect
Froslass / Banshee - Ice Beam, Thunder, Weather Ball, Rain Dance
Infernape killed Cynthia’s Garchomp with Assist Hydro Pump, I fell off my seat out of excitement rofl.
>>44179486Love the state names. Really unique.
>>44180771>CarnivineBased. I love using shitmons in-game. To the guy asking why EV Train, I needed to EV my chatot to make him somewhat usable. Genned 31 IVs for all his stats, and top EVs in Def and Sp. Def