Quoted By:
1. Fearow looks cooler
2. Fearow evolves at level 20
3. Look a Fearow-Chad's stats:
HP: 65 Atk: 90 Def: 65 Spec: 61 Spe: 100
Compare that to Pidgeot-Virgin's stats:
HP: 83 Atk: 80 Def: 75 Spec: 70 Spe: 91
and that's only after it evolves at level 36 - SIXTEEN FUCKING LEVELS LATER
4. Fearow learns great moves much earlier. He learns Mirror Move at level 25. Pidgeot doesn't get that shit until 54. Fearow also gets the best Flying STAB in the game - Drill Peck - at level fucking 34. Pidgeot only learns Wing Attack naturally... what an amateur.
Pidgeot BTFO.