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Welcome to the Giveaway General.
Today, I'll be giving out Shiny Swablu! See the OP pic.
Note: they are NOT Kalos Born! Sorry about that.
How to get one? Just up up an Ekans on the GTS asking for a Female, Level 1 Swablu, and I'll be going from oldest to newest until I cannot give any more away (due to my availability. I won't run out of Swablu).
I also have some items for you. If you don't care what you receive, simply just put your GTS message as "Deerman" or something with my name in it.
If you would like an Ability Capsule, put "Deerman Ability"
If you want an Enigma Berry, put "Deerman Enigma"
You can probably see where I'm going with this.
I'll try and monitor this thread as best I can. Delays will only occur when getting more Swablu
Here are the guidelines for doing your OWN giveaway:
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away
>Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc)
>What pokemon on the GTS you want for it
>What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed
2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.