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Ok, time to clear up box space for MOAR breeding. I have a bunch of breeding leftovers that I can pass down to you guys. And since this isn't /wfg/ I'm going to post my list:
- Chatots- Timid- 3 to 4IVs, Keen Eye or Tangled Feet, w/ egg moves Boomburst - 2 Boxes
- Bunnelby- Adamant- 3 to 4IVs, Huge Power - 1.5Boxes
- Blitzle- Jolly- 3 to 4IVs, Lightning Rod or Motor Drive - 6 Left
- Sandile - Adamant, 4IVs, Intimidate, w/ egg moves counter,pursuit, thunder and fire fang- 7 left
- Gastly, timid, 4Ivs, w/ egg move disable, 1 box
- Snubble, Adamant, 4IVs, run away or intimidate, w/ egg move close combat, 6 left
- Snorunt, Timid and random natures, Ice Body, Inner Focus, or HA moody 3 to 4IVs, w/ egg moves spikes, switcharoo, hex, and disable, box and a half left
- Espurr, Timid 3-4IVs, Infiltraitor, w/ egg moves trick, assist, yawn, and barrier, 6 left
- Joltik, unnerve, timid and random, 3-4IVs, w/ egg moves pursuit and disable, half a box left
- Litleo, timid, 3-4IVs, unnerve, w/ egg moves fire spin, yawn, and endeavor, 1 box left
- Ralts, timid, 3-4IVs, synchronize and trace, w/ egg moves disable, confuse ray, destiny bond, and ally switch, all in love balls, 1 box left.
Reply if you want anything- let me know if you want a specific gender/nature/etc and I'll try to hook you up. Just upload a disc