I'm sure that everyone that are requesting bans on half of this board's content will be the first complaining about "those nazi mods" if they have what they want.
>>28560653>So fucking slow/vp/ threads get archived on 3 hours of no responses. At January threads could last about 10 hours with no responses.
We have a new post roughly each 4 seconds.
In the same rate, we would fill a /vg/ thread in about 30 or 40 minutes.
While in boards like /3/ or /gd/ threads archive on 1 month.
>>28560807Following that same train of thought, TPCi should have throwed C&D to half of the internet, including Pixiv, Tumblr and DeviantArt. And, in the eventual case of that happening, we can merge with Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest, Telefang, Digimon, Neopets and others and create /vm/ - Monster Collection Games.
>>28560885They indeed have, but 80% of the people here seem to be too stupid to use them and instead they prefer to throw a tantrum to content they don't like.
t. Someone that posts occasionally in Gardevoir threads