>>50011178Krashy's top 16 5-stack got randomly matched against Ignor's own 5-stack.
Ignor was playing Hex Gengar and absolutely mopped the floor with Krashy's team, who were trying out a really bad team comp just to try something different.
Also Krashy was playing Owl, so he was probably gonna lose anyway.Ignor also managed to last-hit Zapdos and win the game.
Now Krashy's team was already bitching and arguing with each other beforehand, but the Ignor game absolutely put them over the edge.
They played for three more matches before Krashy muted the stream so they could safely argue about what to do next.
Thirty minutes of silence later Krashy announced that his team disbanded.
In essence Ignor fucked Krashy's team so hard that his team split up.
All hail IgnorDrednaw.