>>57125909I don't understand your distinction between moves and abilities, they're both inherent and fundamental to Pokemon and you can't use a Pokemon with no moves or no ability. If anything, moves are more fundamental and more customizable than abilities. If you were to break smogon's current system of bans, that'd be the thing to go for since they offer a lot more granularity to what makes a mon broken more often than not. Landorus is the only mon in ubers right now that is broken in OU solely because of its ability, sheer force is what makes it better than Lando-T, and if it didn't have sheer force it'd be worse in every single way aside from speed (which isn't even relevant because 101 isn't an important speed tier in gen 9), but every other mon in ubers is there either because of their stats or their moves. Moves and stats are also fundamental to a Pokemon, so just ban some moves from some uber legendaries or make it so they can only be so high of a level and then they're good for OU.
The point of the ruling is to be as consistent as possible, You can make the same arguments for why you should limit specific abilities on mons as you can for moves and levels, In the end it's purely there to prevent the headache that introducing complex bans in general would bring, gen 5's complex bans are the exception and as stated before ITT they're still wildly controversial to this day.