yeah, i dunno man
i knock out his glimmora, and that's it
also, i was testing some stuff and suddenly the battle just broke, as in, he appears when you walk through the final door of victory road, but then partway through he just stopped showing up
gotta skip it
>>55996151don't push yourself
>labradorra grunts>the pulseniggers>terra's autistic adventure>sneedory road + 8 spiritsi guess those yakubs will be taking a lot of damage
>>55996165off the top of my head:
all the demice/moto projects: urmumium, solar light lunar dark eclipse, rejuvenation madame moto
demice's hard mode of ashen frost does it as well, demice's soulstones 2's higher difficulties do it (in fact, the higher difficulties in soulstones 2 are literally just 'you have completely unreasonable rng' instead of actually being harder)
rejuv intense did it as well, as does azure intense, but wasn't overall as obnoxious as this shit or the demice/moto faggotry. like the worst in rejuv intense was...the last geara fight not allowing you to change the haunted field, i guess? and that's at the very end of the game. might've gotten worse later on though