>>45047099Different anon here, telling people to go outside the games to find their favorite Pokemon makes you sound like a shill, at least. The cold, hard fact is that a large portion of fans are there for the games first and foremost. No, "large potion" doesn't mean "majority."
The anime is also mind numbing dogshit, please stop shilling it as a substitute for the games. It's not.
>and they aren't even the most popular if merch sales' percentage of Pokemon's overall revenue are anything to go byThis argument I have a huge problem with, do you know how much fucking merch there actually is? There's mountains and mountains and mountains of it. I get notices of brand new merch in my email every fucking week just for the NA pokemon center, that's not even accounting for all the minor shit not worth an announcement, or the Japan only shit, or cross promotions. Collectively, they make up a larger share of TPC's profits, however as far as any standalone product goes the games most likely make up the best selling if not THE best selling piece of Pokemon related merchandise. They are the DRIVING FORCE behind the entire franchise, as they're the source of the creatures being pushed through merchandise to begin with.
If you actually check wiki for numbers the video game revenue makes up nearly a third of all money ever made in the franchise, and it's more than everything else barring general merchandise combined. The mainline games likely make up the lion's share of that, as all of them are multimillion sellers. ~8m on a bad day, ~16m on a good day, and well beyond that at their peak. Those are numbers most publishers would fucking kill to get consistently.
Don't underestimate how important these games really are, please.