even WITH stealing ideas i still can't win
i mean i can, i just need some more finetuning
but i don't know EV spreads, and thus her AI just does wildly different things than the videos i'm looking at
that's the problem with this fight
sometimes she'll do this, sometimes she'll do that, sometimes she'll do something else, sometimes she'll send out a mon she's not supposed to, sometimes she won't use a move that's good against me, other times she will be but in very certain circumstances
i'm just going fucking insane
Whiteouts: 565
>>54091248my nigger in christ there's 500 speed 500 special attack icemons out here spamming 100% acc blizzards, that shit will die in 2 secs
>>54091298even kaizo hacks don't get this bad
radical reddit, yes, radical reddit with its multi-uber champion team is a joke compared to this
at least radical reddit stays mostly legal with its sets
>>54091302oh shit
uhh, i guess musk wouldn't be able to do 13.5 if it drops anytime soon either
i guess i can take over for a while and do urmumium or whatever lurkers want, we can always save reborn til after musk does 13.5