Quoted By:
>Type: Normal/Ghost
>BST: 500
HP: 50
Atk: 130
Def: 50
SpA: 70
SpD: 90
Spe: 110
>Ability: Practical
Normal types are affected by Ghost type attacks, Ghost types are affected by Normal and Fighting type attacks. This applies to all Pokemon on the field, including the wielder.
>Signature move: Cull
Ghost type, 100bp, Physical
-1 Priority
In double battles, this move will automatically target the opposing Pokemon with the lowest current HP.
>The user waits for its opponent to show signs of weakness, then strikes.
Cannot be caught in the wild. Has a 5% chance of appearing in the user's party if they deposit a fainted Pokemon into the PC then release them without exiting the PC menu.
What exactly are we supposed to be balancing for? Trying to balance for OU is impossible because Gen 7 is a mess.