>>36546459Sidney ruined The Clamps' attempted Swords Dance sweep by Scary Facing it and sending in Blaziken. Sorry The Clamps, I don't trust Focus Band THAT much. Phoebe wasn't that clever and The Clamps swept her entire team (though her Quagsire could've rekt me with a crit, dodged a bullet there). Glacia tried an interesting Swagger/Haze combo with Seviper (and by interesting I mean bad) so I just started spamming attacks instead and she went down without much trouble. Drake led with an equally bad Belly Drum/Reversal combo on a mon that's slow as balls, Amber made quick work of it.
And then he sent out Walrein. OH BOY HERE WE FUCKING GO. I debated whether to send in The Clamps and spam Sky Uppercut banking on Focus Band to save it from Sheer Cold, but like I said I don't trust it, so I decided to risk the weakest link on my team and send in Elektra instead. I had to keep healing off Blizzard damage, and then it landed the Sheer Cold. Naturally. I tried to buy time by having Tree Fiddy Confuse Ray it, didn't matter, it landed Sheer Cold again. At this point I only had one play left. I sent out Amber and took down Walrein with a crit Ancient Power. CRISIS (MOSTLY) AVERTED.