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Pretty much caught up to where I was when I switched to AG now. Kukui's a pretty cool father figure who can deal with Ash still being a retard who doesn't know how to do basic shit on his own. Mallow's probably my favorite of the students so far. Her personality is fun and she has good (affectionate) banter. Kiawe's also cool and I like his family. Lana is cute, but kind of boring. Sophocles is there. I'm sure they'll have their moments later.
Lillie's had a pretty basic arc, but it's an effective one. She can't touch Pokemon, but now after dedicating herself to taking care of the egg, it hatches into an Alolan Vulpix and she comes to be able to handle it through adversity. Now maybe it's because I love dog Pokemon, and Vulpix is one of my favorites, but I really enjoyed seeing this develop over six-ish episodes. The only thing I can really compare it to is the weird one-episode arc where Serena's Fenniken hates being dirty (only coming up in this episode), but walks through mud to save Serena from Team Rocket by the end of the episode. That ends up being a pretty favorable comparison for SM. It was built up well and resolved relatively quickly, but not completely. Lillie still can't touch other Pokemon, and I'd imagine that's because of some shit Lusamine did and will do again near the end of the series. Looking forward to it!