>>45884728>More like a mathemagician.Huh. As a math major who hasn't played White since it came out, I should play these again and look for math stuff I didn't pick up on when I was a kid.
Looks like the thing on his belt is a Menger sponge, the 3-dimensional generalization of the Cantor set, which I coincidentally just spent the better half of a semester covering. Basically, to get the Cantor set, you take a line segment and remove the middle third of it, which leaves you with two smaller line segments. Then you remove the middle third of each of those two line segments, which leaves you with four even smaller line segments. Keep on doing this, and the limit of this process is the Cantor set. A lot of interesting properties to this set, like how it is uncountably infinite despite being nowhere dense.
Seems that the Menger sponge is the same kind of process, except instead of line segments it's cubes. That's really interesting how they did that with N, but I don't seem to recall it ever coming up at all that he was interested in math. Am I just retarded and there are plenty of lines, this didn't get mostly cut in development, I'm just misremembering the games of my childhood?