>how long have you been playing Pokémon?since I was about 8 or 9
>how often do you play?as often as possible, but I'm taking a break before X and Y come out to replenish my hype
>how often do you visit /vp/?Varies; during Corocoro leak time, every day. Otherwise maybe once a week.
>other hobbies?Drawfagging and
>drugs?nah m8
>what do you do for a living?student, teacher eventually
>favorite regionDunno, honestly. Hoenn is a great environment but I also really liked Unova's innovations. Depends on my mood.
>girlfriend/boyfriend?recently single
;_;>do your friends or people outside your Pokémon friends know you play?Yeah, they poke fun at me about it but not maliciously. We joke around about it. Nobody *actually* gives a shit though.