Music :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNGY_fvXUCYmore infos :
- His father's gone. His mother owns a hardware store in Goldenrod City.
- He has an older brother (Joshua) who is studying to become a lawyer. Neither he nor his mother have a pokémon.
- His mother is very afraid for him and forces him to come back regularly and sleep
in hotels, even if they are not very rich (they aren't poor either).
- He made some trips to Alpha's ruins when he was younger with her to practice
to catch Unown.
- Later he will be an Investigator of the strange (60% chance), a Scientist (30%) or a
trainer (10%)
- He met Susy in Johto on his way back from Unys. He decided to help her.
- His pokémon would be at about level 20-25.
I've already post these a few time but i like these threads, so here we go again.
I'll only rate those who have rated others themselves.
>>401463018/10 Great one. The team is great and the sheet is very well put.
>>401466948/10 Cute! I like your goals.
>>401472988/10 Very laid back. A sympathetic character.
>>40147333Funny. These illustrations tho...
>>40147704I've already seen this one, it's still good.
>>40148349You're a little scary but great sheet.
>>40151287Pretty classic but the character is somewhat intriguing.
>>40151790Very cool "x-files" vibes. I dig that (as you can probably tell by this sheet).
>>40151800Original. That's a great interpretation of an old archetype. Nice.
>>40154885Nice sheet, nice art, cute team. Great!
>>40158042I like your goals and your sheet is gorgeous.
>>40159982Cute. it's nice to see a little bit of queerness around here. I hope you'll be happy in life.