>>48365352You're absolutely shilling Ohmori's games, and it's so transparent. SM and SWSH didn't take any new directions at all, they just changed some labels. You got fooled. It's all the same meta formula, you get your starter, you tour the region and beat challenges for trinkets, you fight an enemy team, you fight a super strong Pokemon, then you finish your tour and beat the champion. Even SM plays out like this with trials serving as pseudo-gyms and captains and totems sharing the role of their leaders. Get real.
>>48365353I think Guzma and Lusamine were both great. As I'm pretty sure I said in another post not in this cancerous chain, SM's story is one of its strengths. USUM kinda fucked it up, though. It's not really a tale suited for Necrozma and that entire conflict ruins the personal nature of SM's narrative.
IMO the weakest villains are Giovanni and Rose, Giovanni because he's super early and doesn't have much going on in terms of characterization, and Rose for his "villainy" boiling down to being an impatient twat in a plotline that was probably still a first draft. I would only consider the latter truly "bad" as a villain, though.