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>What are currently you hunting?
Right now nothing, but I did want to breed the Sinnoh starters, and I just got pic related 10 mins ago, so I may work on one of the other 2 (I have a shiny Empoleon in Go, but I don't really count that, and I also don't want to move that from go)
I was also working on Larvesta in Sword, but I don't feel like continuing that at the moment
I might also try to radar something like I did early on in my shiny hunting career years ago
>How are you hunting it?
Breeding (and Radar)
>Previous successes?
Pic Related, just got him 15 mins ago. Not counting Go, my last 2 shinies were Heatran and Blacephalon from Dynamax Adventures. Funnily enough, my last 3 hunted shinies were all fire type
>Do you believe a shiny has tangible value?
The ones I worked for or got randomly, absolutely. There's a story attached to every one, so even the ones that aren't amazing there are memories attached to them that are irreplaceable.
Any that I got in trades, unless it's from a dear friend, I don't care and they're pretty meaningless to me beyond being trade fodder