>>53332016>The most disappointing prediction in GO history might be realThere's no way this can be real. After the mediocre but still pretty decent season that was season 8, this is promoting the idea that this will be the worst season of the post-pandemic GO era, probably even worse than the disaster that was Season of Legends that was entirely designed to rake remote raid passes out of people.
>Slowpoke Community DayAfter all the complaining the "community" did with the Hoppip Community Day, I refuse to believe that they will stand for something as blatant as this. The only thing that would make up for this is if they also include Galarian Slowpoke like what they did for Kantonian and Alolan Sandshrew last year. Still, why do they wanna add another fucking water or poison-type to the GL meta? Do we not already have enough?
>AprilThis will probably be Fennekin
>Swinub CDCHonestly this is the only thing worth looking forward to in this leak, and even then it will probably be useless for most people since they've been available all winter and Ancient Power is still a trash move even after the damage buff.
>Togetic May Community DayCap. It's gonna be Togepi. Either way, I don't wanna have to deal with Aura Sphere Togekiss, fairy is already enough of a thorn in GBL.
>The most disgusting Pokémon in the entire national dex and Mega MedichamAt least Medicham is a safe weather-boosted solo.
>Melmetal with Double Iron BashEven less of a reason to do open Master League now.
>Palmer theme for GBLI might just skip GBL entirely this season, I've already hit most of my goals for stardust.