Quoted By:
>>It's easy enough to win in Smogon faggot, just run whatever 'le fat balance' mons there are and follow your pre approved flowchart
>>That doesn't mean its fun or good, kill yourself you little faggot. Post your fucking wrist you little so*boy I know you're high off estrogen fucking kike nigger tranny dyke bitch. Fucking homo. God i fucking hate little smarmy low test fucks like you God you make me so fucking mad. Fucking commie nigger. Never worked a fucking day in your life and presented your ass to some people little fuck. Cave in your goddam head with a fucking stone little suicidal tranny cunt. Holy FUCK im so pissed off GOD DAMN your fucking mom will take 3 of my fucks I shoot in her tonight goddamn lesbian spic dago subhuman FUUUUCK