>>44528340Same could be said for quite a few mons from the last few generations in the way they have exaggerated heads like the Alohan vulpix versus that of it's Kanto counterpart. Not to mention the soft, simplified nature of things seen in fur detail for instance.
There is this image I poached from a different thread generated from some AI program that seems to help nail quite a bit of what I am not fond of in terms of how Pokemon these days are made.
The art style/aesthetic and design philosophy for Pokemon has been shifting for a while now, noticable far back as Gen 3/4 in their tweaks to how mons looked compared to the classical ones seen in gens 1/2. Gen 5 is where we stared to see the signs of a major shift incoming as seen in their starter lineup like with the snivy line, and the switch to 3D in the 6th generation really kicked it off. 7th is where it seemed to solidify the most as the devs/designers/artists shifted more into a more simplified aesthetic in what I assume to lower production costs and to deal with handling many 3D Pokemon, along with perhaps making it simpler to manufacture as far as merchandise is concerned.
And Gen 8 has seen a lot of designs that wouldn't be out of place in something like Yokai-Watch and Digimon, where it seems they have taken a lot of influence from if their imp like Pokemon is anything to go by. Not a bad lot necessarily, but much of it feels out of place with what I have been used to in the past. In any case, I'll stop this tangent here before the thread is derailed any further. I just like the aesthetics from prior generations more having grown up with them, and the greater attention to detail to boot.