Finally off work, time to check these out.
>>20292465Pretty cool outfit and I think it'd be really fun to battle that team. How are you transporting pizzas, though? Nice choice in mega ring btw.
>>20293085Definitely some of the best names in the thread. You've also got some pretty damn fine taste with Weavile, Scrafty, Toxicroak, and Gliscor. You seem like the kind of person I'd get along with. Would battle/travel with definitely.
>>20295377The trainer pic and the clothing choices seem a little confusing. You've got some pretty sick taste though. Would love to battle that Sceptile, Garchomp, Gardevoirl, and Magmortar. Do you not nickname your pokes?
>>20295398The RV is a pretty unique choice and I like to see some variety here. Would love to battle all those sick pokes, too.
>>20295441I'm digging that Kingler, Poliwrath, Gengar, and Toxicroak.
>>20295489Always nice to seem this one again. Your team is definitely one of my favorites that pops up in this thread. Bonus points for the Nidos.
>>20295636Your outfit is pretty cool and unique looking. I like your quote.
>>20295713Always love this one. You've got some great nicknames and a cool goal. You should nickname the rest of your team, though. I'd battle the shit outta you.
>>20295894You've got some pretty unique looking choices for pokes, and I really like that you have an actual image of your trainer as a reference.