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Let's Go (settle this once and for all)
Let's go PEe are spin off games. They have different gameplay, story and other things than main line pokemon games. Although sequels share the same characteristics, by definition they add features and improve different things.
With that said, while SS/SwSh adds new pokemon, a new region, new characters and story While keeping important game mechanics, Let's Go doesn't, because IMPORTANT features such as abilites, over 500 pokemon, held items etc.
Also keep in mind that what GF actually said is that with Let's Go they created a NEW SERIES, DETACHED FROM MAIN LINE GAMES.
DR/TL: If you think Meltan is a Gen7 pokemon you're wrong. If you read this and still think that, either you didn't read it well or you're a retard. Remember this is not about opinions, this is a fact.