Be honest. If, before Sun and Moon, someone had come to you and said "There are too many Pokemon and they should start cutting them," how would you have responded?
I've been looking back at old posts from before The Culling everyone seemed incredulous at the idea of there ever being "too many pokemon"
For instance>Will we every reach a point where there will be too many pokemon to program into the gamesTo which the response was a resounding "no" and>with the pace at which technology is evolving, no.>not unless the models jumped up in quality so much that there was a hard limit on them.>Gamefreak wouldn't do that, though.There are other similar responses from this board as well, such as>it's a "there's too many pokemon" thread>This is basically genwunner shitposting and how you all don't realize it is beyond me.>Part of the appeal of the franchise is having access to all these different mons. While yes, it's harder to get into the series later, it's not like it's a detriment to have variety. Remember, all the models from gen 7 besides the new ones were ripped right from gen 6, and it looks like they will be for the foreseeable future. And it's not like they were even hitting the max cart size of the 3ds.>Gamefreak's going to be lazy no matter what.No one could forsee what was coming for them. But I think the single most tragic post I've seen is this>why the fuck would I care as long as I can still play with my favorites>the franchise is only just beginning at this point, I can't fucking wait to see how much better it's going to get with hardware becoming less and less limiting