Have you ever gotten to play games in class with other students?
senny c teach No.38635348 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I don't go to school anymore, but I remember this one very special day, where we were allowed to bring any portable game device we wanted to school. This was very exciting for all (ok most) of us! We all talked about doing things like playing minecraft PE together and doing various pokemon battles. then we went home.
...but then the unluckiest thing ever happened!
There was a subsitute that day. She didn't know anything about yesterday, how we were told we could bring games. So guess what? We all didn't get to play with each other. I was so ready to do some pokemon battles! what did i have? i dunno, lost it a while ago.
This all seems bad when I look back at it, but this was years ago, so I don't let it bother me too much.
I want to hear. Did anyone else get to play games in class? Surely your experience would be at least a little better than mine.