>>24975797>hurr durr thread won't be shit because subs and info being released>no one ever talks about subs>there are like 2 attention whores who think their commentary is relevant and drop screenshots just to reach image limit faster and make a new thread>new info is discussed for like half a thread then its back to the dance episode>literal rewording of the same post for bait is made every other post>janitors are so shit in /vp/ they don't do shit about it>baiter is probably an amourfag himself that is just faggot who can't see thread dead and thinks he doing it a favor by keeping it active in whatever way possible>circlejerkingfags get angry at their pairing but deep down they are just like the baiter scared of seeing the thread inactive because they have nothing else going for themThe fact is that POKEMON as an ANIME doesn't have enough material to keep a thread going on its own. It is only natural that it goes to shit. GET A FUCKING LIFE OUTSIDE THIS SHITHOLE LIKE; VIDEOGAMES, MUSIC, SPORTS AND REALIZE THAT THIS PLACE IS A HELL HOLE. NOT 4CHAN BUT THIS THREAD.