Quoted By:
>Gen 4 comes out
>It's shit, I hate it, look at this disgusting mess of a pokedex, shitty region, unmemorable characters, and le easy way to get shinies
>Gen 5 comes out
>It's shit, I hate it, look at this shitty dex filled with shitmons filling the dex, shitty stiff sprites, shitty region, unmemorable areas and characters, retarded weather ruining metagame
>Gen 6 comes out
>It's shit, I hate it, look at this shitty dex, barely any new Pokemon, unmemorable characters, shitty region, mega evolutions are retarded looking, too easy
>Gen 7 comes out
>It's shit, I hate it, look at this shitty dex, all shit Pokemon, alola forms are retarded looking, unmemorable characters, shitty region
When will you people realize you don't like the franchise anymore?