>>36398056Ahahaaa, its funny because Jynx is a Pokémon.
Edged past Routes 24-25 and got the Cerulean Gym badge. I figured I had enough firepower to take on Misty, so I decided to leave Bellsprout and Oddish encounters here for my later return, unless an Abra or a Yellow Venonat showed up instead. The latter didn't happen, but evidently, the former did, and at good level too. I switch-grinded two levels, then got MERLON to evolve via Rare Candies. He proceeded to sweep everything after that save for Starmie, who NOKI had to come in for the assist. SamHyde got through with little effort as well, TED and NERD crushing through the opposition like nothing. Hitler, as usual, had a hard fight; I had ADOLF handle Staryu via pure Scratch spam, which with a crit after the X Defend worked wonders, then switched in HORION to take advantage of literally the only decent Bug move in the game. He proved why he was the surviving Übermensch by tanking Starmie's Bubblebeams into the red while taking it out with Twineedle.
Then came the reversal of fortunes that was Cindy; Rival's Spearow hit super hard, almost killing BRADY if not for a lucky low hit roll on a second Fury Attack. This was foreshadowing apparently, since the Starmie fight here went like ass; I figured I could Leer Staryu into letting me go against Starmie with a full HP JAN via Leech Life, but GREG took a lot more damage while leering than I was expecting. Starmie pretty immediately showed it wasn't playing these games, so I swapped into BRADY thinking it was gonna be an ez gg. Cue Thundershock doing jackshit for damage. I immediately realized where this was going a Thunder Wave'd, but BRADY got knocked into kill range nonetheless. Hoping for a lucky paralysis proc, I switched again into BOBBY, only for him to job to a crit Bubblebeam. I ended up sending BRADY out again and only won through paralysis taking effect twice in a row.
Next up; Mein Fuhrer hopes a Dugtrio doesn't show up to take down Germany.